Email to Technicians has Stopped Working with GoDaddy

Description of Issue:

Emails to technicians are no longer working for members using GoDaddy.

Cause of Issue:

Users of GoDaddy domains and Office 365 are required to add a TXT record to confirm
ownership of their domains. Otherwise, it will block any outgoing activities such a TXT to SMS messaging.


You will need to add a Domain Verification Key to your DNS TXT record. For instruction on how to do this, please follow the steps below:

1. Log in to your domain host control panel.

2. Click the domain that you need to verify for StatusIQ.

3. Access the DNS Management page.

4. Click the Manage DNS link on the domain settings page.

5. In the Records table, click Add.

6. From the Type list, select TXT.


7. In the Host field enter the @ symbol. Do not adjust the default TTL field value.

8. In the TXT Value field, paste the complete domain verification key.


9. Click the Save button to record the new verification record. You'll see the TXT record added to the Records table.

10. For any further help regarding this setup, members should reach out to GoDaddy.


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