'Object variable or width block variable not set'- occurs when opening EDB


Description of Error:

When attempting to open up the Electronic Dispatch Board (EDB) a user may get the FSERROR message of:

Object variable or width block variable not set

The error will prompt the user to type in what they are doing and even after pressing CONTINUE, the error continues to pop up. This error may occur on only a single ESC computer and other machines may work without any problems.

Cause of Error:

There is something wrong with the companyname.cfg file which is causing the local computer to have a problem connecting the EDB to MapPoint or when using email paging in ESC.


To correct the problem, do the following:

  1. Log out of ESC on the problem computer.
  2. Access your Application Data folder by going to your Start menu or Start screen and typing in %APPDATA% and hitting Enter. When the Application Data screen appears, open the ESC folder.
  3. Look for a 'Configuration' type file with the same name as your database. This file may show an extension of '.CFG'. For instance, if your database name is 'Service' then you'll look for the 'Service.cfg' file. 
  4. Rename the file by adding "OLD" to the end. (ie - ServiceOLD.cfg).
  5. You may now close the Application Data folder.
  6. Log back into ESC and the problem should be resolved.

Additional Information:

This error may also be caused by misformatted PushPinData or TerritoryData text files. To see if that is the case, do the following:

Access your Application Data folder by going to your Start menu or Start screen and typing in %APPDATA% and hitting Enter. When the Application Data screen appears, open the ESC folder. Rename the TerritoryData.txt and/or PushPinData.txt files to a .OLD extension if they exist. Exit ESC and reload.


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