The ESC Dashboard - that at-a-glance overview of your company you get when you first log into your database. By default, the Dashboard will give you a little bit of everything you may want to know about your business - such as the current number of active agreements or the monthly sales totals. We also use the Dashboard to convey important information about our company and products.
The Dashboard is broken into two primary panels: the News panel on the right and the Information panel on the left. The News panel is updated constantly with information on our products, training dates, compatibility changes, updates and other company updates.
Under the Information panel, you're going to have a series of blocks that contain various bits of information.
Currently Open Company
This panel will show you the name and version of the database you are currently logged into. It will also display the date of the last backup made from ESC (this will not include the date of automatic backups). If there are other products attached to your database, those versions will also be displayed.
Getting Started and Open Company
Getting Started panel will provide you with direct links to the Getting Started guide and the Getting Started with Dispatching guide, both are key tutorials for getting moving with ESC. The Open Company panel will help you open an existing database or create a new one.
Service Agreement Summary
This will give you current counts of your Active, Expiring, New and Renewed Agreements. The bottom of the panel has a link to the Service Agreement Report, so you can get more detailed information on your Agreements.
Sales Trend
This panel will provide you with not only monthly sales totals, but will also chart them so major changes are easy to spot. A link at the bottom of this panel will allow you to access the Sales Report itself for more in-depth information.
Sales By Department YTD
This easy to spot pie chart will let you know what departments are the most (and least) profitable.
Quotes to be Scheduled
The Quotes listed in this panel are Quotes that have been Accepted, but have not yet been dispatched. Quotes will remain in this list until a dispatch has been created directly from the quote.
Aged Receivables
This panel will provide you with an overview of all outstanding receivables. This panel is not available if you are integrated with a third-party accounting system.
Aged Payables
This panel provides you with an overview of all open payables. This panel is only available if you have ESC Accounting enabled for your company.
Customize Dashboard
You'll find this handy little link at the very bottom of the Information panel on your dashboard. The Dashboard Setup screen allows you to select which panels will show on your Dashboard. You may also rearrange their order using the arrows on the toolbar.
Learn more about customizing the Dashboard!
As helpful as the Information panel can be, it can't give you everything you need. That's where the Flowcharts come in handy. You'll find each one in the left-side navigation panel. These don't cover every screen - but do cover the four major modules: Dispatching, Agreements, Inventory and Jobs. These Flowcharts are intended for making navigation around the program easier.
Help Panel
The Help Panel provides easy links to several tutorials and guides in ESC's Knowledge Base. This is a great place to visit if you have any questions, want to learn a new feature or need to check out some of our videos.
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