How to Configure ESC Connections Server for ESC Mobile


This article will help you set up the ESC Connections Server application for use with ESC Mobile.

The ESC Connections Server is a small program that controls the communications between your ESC database and outgoing connections, such as Status Notifications, ESC Mobile dispatching and GPS integrations. The ESC Connections Server is usually installed on your server computer during the initial installation of ESC, but may also be moved to a workstation if necessary. There should never be more than one ESC Connections Server connected to your database at a time, as this could cause connectivity issues.


Configuring the ESC Connections Server from dESCO Software on Vimeo.

Configuring the ESC Connections Server

If the ESC Connections Server Administrator is not open, open it now by double-clicking the blue icon in your Windows System Tray.

  1. When the ESC Connections Server Administrator opens for the first time, you'll see three sections available: Status Details, Connection Details and Settings.
  2. Expand the Settings section and the Database tab will appear.  
  3. If you are on the server computer, then you won't need to change any of the settings here; just click the drop down for Database Name and select your database from the list that appears.
  4. Click Apply. It may take several seconds for the ESC Connections Server Administrator to apply its setting.
  5. Once the ESC Connections Server has been connected to your database, you'll head to the ESC Mobile tab under the Settings section.
  6. In the General tab, fill in your criteria for the following settings:
  • Status used for completing calls - The status that removes the dispatch from the device. Usually "Complete".
  • Maximum number of calls sent - How many dispatches a technician can see at once. We never recommend this be higher than 20. The more you add to the device, the slower the device may perform.
  • Maximum number of history records - How many history records the technician will be able to review. This setting has no affect on ESC Mobile for iOS and Android.
  • Days in advance to send dispatch - How many days ahead a technician will be able to see future dispatches. Placing a zero in this field will mean the technician can only see the current day's dispatches.
  • Allow tech to create dispatches - Gives all technicians the ability to create a dispatch on the device.
  • Allow tech to create customers - Gives all technicians the ability to create customers on the device.
  • Allow tech to edit Status Times - Allows the technician to set the time when changing their status.
  • Don't send invoices - When checked, invoices created in the office will not appear on the device when the technician is working on the associated dispatch.
  • Don't send attached parts - Parts attached to the dispatch in the office will not appear on the device.
  • In the Status Codes tab, place a check mark in the Mobile column for every Status Code you want the technician to have available on their mobile device. Place a check mark under the Billable column for every status that will contribute to the technician's working time (usually Working and Traveling).
  • In the Payments tab, associate an available Payment Method from your ESC database to each payment field available on the mobile device. Every payment field must be filled in. To add or edit Payment Methods, head to the Receivables menu in ESC and select Payment Methods.
  • No other tabs need to be filled in for the ESC Mobile app to function properly. You may now click the Apply button. When the ESC Connections Server Administrator finishes refreshing, you may click Close.
  • The ESC Connections Server Administrator icon will remain in the Windows System Tray so that it may be accessed at any time.  The settings entered there are adjustable as needed.

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