How Do I Enter My Budget for the Year?


This feature allows you to enter a budget for forecasting purposes and can be found in Company → Enter Budgets.

Select fiscal year – The drop down list allows you to select any year that files have been created for. In this example if you want to enter a budget for fiscal year 2013, you need to create 2013 files by closing 2012 (Company → Close Fiscal Year).

Select Department – Here you can choose Unclassified or any of your departments. If you just want to see how the overall company is doing and are not interested in each department choose Unclassified. If you want to see the company as a whole and by department then you should enter amounts for each department.

Entering Amounts – There are 3 ways to enter amounts:

  1. Enter the annual amount in the total field and when you tab out of the field it will be equally spread over the 12 month period.
  2. Enter the monthly amount in the first period then press the “Fill entire row..” button as shown below. Each month will be filled with the amount in the first period.
  3. Enter an amount for each individual month.

Budget Report – This report can be used for checking data entry among other things and can be found in Company → Reports → Financial Reports → Budget Report. It is run per year and can be filtered by Department, Division and/or Account.

Income Statement Budget Comparison – This report compares actual data to your budget and can be found in Company → Reports → Financial Reports → Income Statement Budget Comparison. It is run per period and can be filtered by Department, Division and/or Account.

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