Description of Error:
When posting to Peachtree, the following error occurs:
Error posting part: An error occurred while posting!
This happened for Field Name: G/L Sales Account
Cause of Error:
This error occurs because Peachtree is attempting to create a non-inventory part, but cannot because no default accounts have been set up for non-stock parts in Peachtree.
In Peachtree, choose Maintain → Default Information → Inventory Items. Check the GL Accts/Costing tab. To the right of Non-Stock Items, fill in the default GL account fields. Generally speaking, using the same accounts from the Stock Item fields will work fine (since ESC will specify the accounts used for the item anyway).
Additional Information:
This error generally only occurs the first time ESC is posted to Peachtree, and only if the Peachtree company was set up with user-defined accounts (rather than using the Peachtree default accounts by company type).
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