Setup Dispatching Defaults


System Setup for Dispatching

To get started, head to Company → System Setup → Dispatch.  This screen allows you to set the defaults that will be applied to new dispatches as they are created. Changing these values will not affect existing dispatches.

  • Mapping Solution - Determines where the map displayed on the Electronic Dispatch Board is pulled from. Google Maps is the recommended option here.
  • Default Technician - The technician or non-tech column selected here will be the default for all new dispatches.  Normally, this will remain "Unassigned".
  • Default Dispatch Type - Dispatch Types are not only used to tell your technicians how the customer is to be charged - if at all - but is also used to mark the dispatch as Billable or Non-Billable.  You'll select your most common Dispatch Type here.
  • Type of Dispatch Number- When dispatches are created, a number will be automatically generated for them.  This number can be the next in a sequential order, or can be a combination of the customer number and date.  The Sequential option is highly recommended.
  • Starting Dispatch Number -If the sequential number option is selected in the Type of Dispatch Number field, the starting number is set here.
  • Default Lead Time in Minutes - This number determines how many minutes to add to the Time Received field to calculate the Time Promised when a new dispatch is entered on the Enter Dispatches screen. When a dispatch passes the Promise Time (lead time), the call will display a red clock on the Electronic Dispatch Board to show that the call is late.
  • Default Priority - Priority is not only used to color-code dispatches on the Electronic Dispatch Board, but is also used to determine the order between multiple dispatches that have the same Promise Date and Time.  A new dispatch will only use this Priority if one is not assigned by the Customer record or an Agreement.
  • Carry Dispatch Notes to Invoice - When an invoice is created from a dispatch ESC can automatically transfer the Dispatch Notes and Service Request Code descriptions into the invoice body. This can bring over valuable information without the need to re-enter anything.
    • Once that option has been set you can choose to automatically print this information in the body of the invoice by selecting Print Dispatch Notes on Invoice. Please note that this is just a default setting. The notes can still be printed or hidden on the invoice itself if needed, regardless of the setting you select here.
    • The last option that must be set is what history or billing code will be used for the items that are carried over. We recommend using the HIST history code if you want the notes to go to the customer's History record when they are saved. We recommend using the DESC billing code if you don't need them there.
  • Billing Options
    • Select Bill for Travel and Work Time to combine the Travel time and Working time when creating an invoice based on a dispatch. This time will appear on the Technicians tab on the Sales Invoicing screen, so selecting this option will include the travel time in the labor cost of the invoice. The combined time will also appear immediately above the invoice body so that you will know what quantity to use when adding a labor billing code.
    • Select Bill for Work Time Only to only show the times spent in a working status instead.
  • Assign User Dispatch Boards - Click this button to go to a setup screen where the dispatch boards a user can see can be limited. Leave Board 1 - 4 blank to allow the user access to all dispatch boards. If you put anything in the Board 1 - 4 fields, the user will only have access to those boards. Enter the user's name in the Dispatch field to track the dispatches they assign.

Once you have selected your defaults, click OK at the bottom of the System Setup screen.

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