Sending Agreement Renewals


Did you know that the Agreement List can be used to quickly email renewal reminders to customers that are expiring in the near future? Follow these easy step-by-step instructions to select a specific list of customers with agreements that are expiring, through the Agreement List, before sending the email.

The first step is to create the renewal letter that will be used to email customers.

How to Create the Renewal Letter

To get started within ESC, click on the Customer Info pull-down menu and select Manage Word Processor Templates.

  1. Click the New button to create a new template.
  2. Enter a name for the template and click OK.
  3. This will display the standard Word Processor screen, with one important difference.  Clicking the Insert button will reveal additional information you can embed into the template. These options include data from the customer and the location table such as name, address, email, salutation, etc. When this template is later used to create a document it will replace these codes with the selected data from the customer's record.
  4. Create the template by combining the customer and location data with any other items desired from the Insert menu and your own body text.
  5. Click the Save and Exit button when the document is complete.

Using the Agreements List View

Now, let’s select the targeted customers with agreements that are expiring soon.

  1. Click on Agreements pull-down menu and select Agreement List.
  2. Once the list appears on your screen, click on the Active Agreements view. This will open up the Views sidebar to the left side of the screen. Select Expire Next Month. This will give you a list of all that are expiring next month. Please note that you can send these letters out even further in advance by entering custom dates in the Expires filter at the top right of your screen under Filters.
  3. Next, click the Activities button and choose Print/Email All Selected Customers.
  4. This will display a pop-up window that shows the number of selected records with various sending options. Select Email using a Template, then click the Begin button.
  5. Select the template that you previously created and change the document name, if desired.
  6. Check the Attach sent documents to customer locations box so that you can have a record of when the renewal notice was sent to your customers.
  7. Finally, click the Send button to begin emailing your customers.

We would like to encourage you to explore the other sending options available here if you want to send a letter or postcard instead of an email. They are easy to use and understand - so enjoy!

Written by Enrico Chatman
Featured in February 2013 Newsletter

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