Sage 50 Integration: Posting Invoices and Accounts Receivable


Now that you've completed the wizard, the integration will mostly take care of itself. Remember to always have the ESC Accounting Server open and connected. Below you will find more information on how the integration functions and how information is transferred.

Posting Invoices
After you have created invoices in ESC, you will post them over to Sage 50 using the File → Post to Peachtree option in ESC. Every invoice entered into ESC has a specific Accounting Period associated to it, and you can post an entire accounting period at a time using the Post to Peachtree option. This function will send any invoices that have not yet been posted over to Sage 50 in the same accounting period. In addition, you have the option of selecting a range of invoice numbers to post, and any invoice number in that range that has not yet been posted will transfer to Sage 50. Once an invoice has been posted, it will not post again, even if the accounting period it is in gets posted multiple times.

Point of Sale Invoices
A point of sale invoice is used when a customer is buying something over the counter, and you are immediately receiving a payment for the transaction. The invoice is created in ESC using the POS Invoice Form. After the invoice is created, you must receive the payment in ESC using the Tender button (more on that in the Receivables area) and then post it to Sage 50.

Credit Memos
A Credit Memo entered in ESC creates a Credit Memo in Sage 50. This credit memo can be used to offset an existing invoice.

Finding Unposted Invoices
In order to see if any invoices in the ESC system have not posted to Sage 50, head to the Invoice List. In ESC, choose Sales, then Invoice List, then select "Unposted Invoices" from the Views panel. A list of any invoices not yet posted to Sage 50 will be displayed.

Modifying or Deleting Posted Invoices
If an invoice has been posted to Sage 50, there is a specific procedure that must be performed in order to modify or remove that invoice. If you pull up an invoice in ESC that has already posted to Sage 50, you will get a message stating:

"This invoice has been posted to Peachtree. It can only be saved if the invoice and related journal transaction are removed from Peachtree."

In order to modify the invoice, the invoice record in Sage 50 as well as any journal entry made to record the cost for that invoice must both be deleted from Sage 50. Pull up the invoice in Sage 50, and choose theDelete option from the top of the window; do the same for the associated journal entry. The easiest way to find the transactions for an invoice is to access the Invoice Register report in the Reports & Forms → Accounts Receivable → Invoice Register area of Sage 50. Click the Options button, and enter the full ten-digit invoice number in the Invoice/CM Number ranges. The report will show the invoice you are looking for (provided the date range also includes that transaction). Double-click the invoice record to pull it up, and choose the Delete option. In order to find the general journal entries for that invoice, go to Reports & Forms → General Ledger → General Journal, and enter the full ten-digit invoice number in the Reference field of the Options tab. This will display the journal entry for that invoice; double-click on it to pull it up, and choose the Delete option.

Once all references to the invoice have been deleted from Sage 50, you can now modify or delete the invoice in ESC.  First, open the invoice in ESC and click the Save button.  ESC will immediately search for records in Sage 50 and when it finds none, it will remove the "posted" mark from the invoice so that it can be edited.  You can now open that invoice again and make your changes.  Be sure to repost the invoice to Sage 50 once your changes have been made.  If you wish to delete the invoice, simply open the invoice and click the Deletebutton on the toolbar.

In order to change your current accounting period in Sage 50, simply click the area at the top of the screen that shows the accounting period, and choose your period, or go to Tasks → System → Change Accounting Period. If the period has been closed in Sage 50, then the invoice cannot be modified or deleted, and must instead be affected by a Credit Memo in Sage 50.

Sales Reporting
The ESC Sales Report will show a breakdown of total invoice amount, total material, labor, and other sales, as well as a breakdown of costs and tax. These totals can be compared to different reports in Sage 50 to verify that the amounts entered on invoices in ESC are going to the proper areas of Sage 50. The Total Posted to AR on the Sales Report will match the total amount on the Sage 50 Invoice Register Report or Sales Journal Report, while the Income Statement will show the Total Posted to AR minus the amount of Tax on the invoices from the Sales Report. The following examples help illustrate how the different reports can be used to reconcile each other.

Sales Tax Codes
In order for Sage 50 and ESC to agree on the amount of tax charged to a particular invoice, each program must have their sales tax codes match each other. The elements that must agree are the name of the Code in ESC and the name of the Sales Tax ID in Sage 50 (and case does matter, as Sage 50 treats Exempt and EXEMPT as two different codes), along with the total percentage rate of tax that is charged. In addition, Sage 50 must have Sales Tax Authorities set up to indicate where the tax dollars are going and what rate each different tax authority charges. 

Accounts Receivable Balances
Sage 50 handles and maintains the accounts receivable balances for customers. When a customer is accessed in the Qualification, Enter Dispatches, and Enter Invoices screens in ESC, or uses the Display Statements function, the accounts receivable balances displayed comes from Sage 50, not from within ESC itself. That is how ESC is able to properly display the current AR balance of a customer even though the payments are being applied in Sage 50. Normally, payments for any invoices outstanding are entered directly into Sage 50. However, when the invoice is being entered into the system, a payment can be applied immediately in ESC, saving the step of entering the payment into Sage 50 which otherwise must be done.

Entering Payments
If an invoice is being entered into ESC and the payment for it has already been received, the Tender button on the Sales Invoicing screen will allow you to record the payment as the invoice is entered, and when the invoice posts to Sage 50, the payment will be attached to it as if the invoice were paid in the Receipts screen of Sage 50. The Payment Method in ESC determines which account the dollars are deposited to. If the invoice has already been posted to Sage 50, then this method will not be used; instead, the payment will be entered into Sage 50.


Sage 50 Integration: Working with Inventory

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