QuickBooks can show you which customers have outstanding visits, and how much money that could mean for your business. Learn how.
1. Before we begin, download this Agreeemnt Reserve.qbr file.
2. In QuickBooks desktop, click on Reports | Memorized Reports | and select Memorized Report List.
3. Select the Memorized Report drop down button and select Import Template.
4. Select the Agreement Reserve.qbr file you downloaded earlier and click Open and then click OK.
5. Click Display to show the report.
- The report should already be selected after you import.
6. Click Customize Report and go to the Filters tab.
7. Under the Current Filter Choices, click Account.
8. Use the Account field in the middle of the screen to change the account to your appropriate agreement reserve account, then click OK.
9. Click the Memorize button at the top of the screen and select Replace.
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