How To - Export tasks from Flat Rate Plus




This article will show you how to export data from Flat Rate Plus so that we can import it into ESC.

Before You Begin:

After verifying that you have the correct version of ESC, make sure Flat Rate Plus is configured properly by doing the following:

If tax is a part of your flat rate prices, select Setup | Tax Info in Flat Rate Plus.

Check to see if the Item Tax is Based Upon Direct Cost or Retail Price. If based upon Retail Price, note the percentages for both Labor and Items. You will need to setup at least one tax code in ESC with these same percentages and use that tax code(s) whenever billing for a flat rate task to ensure the price matches your flat rate price book.

If the tax is based on Direct Cost, remove the tax from this screen altogether. When ESC assesses a cost tax, the tax is added to the cost of the item and paid by your company, not the customer. If you are simply looking to get back the tax you originally paid on items purchased, increase the cost of all items by the amount of the tax rate you paid using Utilities | Quick Price Changer (be sure to read their help files on this before committing to this change).

Be sure to look at Maintenance | Item Categories and delete any catagories you are not going to use. Flat Rate Plus contains over 11,000 items and tasks in it that will ALL be imported into ESC by default. If you never work on ice machines, do yourself a favor and clear this information out before exporting your data. That way you will not have to look through it every time you do an inventory search in the future.


To export your Flat Rate Plus data, select File | Data Exchange | Export. Select Universal Tab Delimitted format from the Select Export File Format combo box. Click Export Options and select Execute Export.

Then import the files created by that procedure into ESC. Complete details of that process can be found in the ESC help menu by searching for Import Flat Rate Plus.

Additional Information:

This procedure was tested using Flat Rate Plus version 8.0.1.

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