How Can I Print or Email Multiple Invoices at Once?


Need to get a bunch of invoices out the door?  Working with invoices is a lot easier when you can do things in batches and ESC has just what you need to get those invoices on their way.

  1. Go to Sales → Print/Email Invoices.  
  2. Use any combination of fields and check boxes to select the range of invoices you wish to print or email to your customers.  
  3. Click the Print button.

  4. The Generate Invoices screen will display all the invoices that matched the criteria you just selected. Invoices will automatically be set to print unless there is a contact associated with the customer record that has their Email Tasks set to All or Billing. In that case, the invoice will be emailed to all the contacts associated with that customer that have those email tasks instead. This setting can be changed for each invoice if needed by selecting either the Print or Email box to the right. Please note that a customer must have an email address already associated with them in order to select the Email box.

  5. Once you are satisfied with your selections, click the Process button at the top of the screen.  All invoices marked for Email will be sent on their way, while the invoices marked to Print will be printed out.

Tip: If you wanted to avoid printing and emailing all no charge invoices, simply click the Amount heading to sort by amount and then go down the left hand side unchecking all invoices with an amount of $0.00.


ESC's Invoice List

Need to narrow down the list of invoices being sent by more detailed criteria?  You'll probably want to visit the Invoice List instead.  

  1. Click on the Invoice List button on the icon bar.  
  2. You can narrow down your invoices using the Views on the left side of the screen, the Refine Filters tab, by using the Search field at the top, or any combination of the three.  
  3. Once you have the invoices you want to print or email, go to Activities → Print/Email All Selected Invoices.

  4. The Generate Invoices screen will display all the invoices that matched the criteria you just selected. Invoices will automatically be set to print unless there is a contact associated with the customer record that has their Email Tasks set to All or Billing. In that case, the invoice will be emailed to all the contacts associated with that customer that have those email tasks instead. This setting can be changed for each invoice if needed by selecting either the Print or Email box to the right. Please note that a customer must have an email address already associated with them in order to select the Email box.
  5. Once you are satisfied with your selections, click the Process button at the top of the screen.  All invoices marked for Email will be sent on their way, while the invoices marked to Print will be printed out.
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