Adding Items to a Quote


When a quote is generated, many of the fields will fill themselves in based on defaults, such as the Tax Code assigned to the selected customer, the Department set as your default and the customer's Terms.  But it will be up to you to fill in the specifics of the quote.  You'll can do this by adding a combination of inventory items, billing codes and history codes under the Invoice tab.

If you know what warehouse the items will be pulled from, you may select that warehouse in the first column.  This will carry over to the dispatch and/or invoice if the quote is accepted and helps to ensure the parts are flowing from the correct warehouse.  If you are not sure what warehouse the items will be pulled from, you may leave this at the default warehouse, it can be changed later on the dispatch and/or invoice. 

Next is the Item field, which is where you will select the Inventory Item, Billing Code or History Code you want added to the quote. To add items to the body of the quote, you can begin typing the name of the part or code into the Item field and ESC will auto-fill the rest of the available part for you.  If you're not sure what to type into the Item field, you can click the down arrow in that field to open the Search screen, which can help you to find the inventory, billing or history item you need to add.

If a description has been assigned to the item, then you will see that description appear in the field to the right. Any description can be edited, so that information can be added/corrected/removed. Simply double-click into the Description field to make your changes.

Following the Description field, you'll see the Quantity field, Cost field, Ext Cost field, Markup % field, Price field and Amount field.  If you are working with a billing code or inventory item that have recorded or assigned costs and prices, you'll see this information fill itself in automatically.  All you'll need to do then is make sure the Quantity is correct.  

If necessary, you can also adjust the Price of the item.  If you adjust the Price field, you'll see the Markup % adjust itself automatically.  You can also adjust the Markup % and the Price field will be updated.  The Costs can only be manually adjusted if the item is a Billing code with cost accounts assigned to it.  Note: History codes will not have prices or costs.  

To the far-right of each item, you'll see check boxes labeled Tax, Print, Costed and Accepted.  If part of the quote is taxable, but certain items are not, you'll uncheck the Tax box for just those items.  If the entire quote is non-taxable, you'll change the Tax Code to Exempt instead.  You can also prevent items from showing on the printed or PDF versions of the quote by unchecking the Print box.  

If the quote is accepted and the items are transferred to a dispatch or to a progressively billed invoice, any items carried over will be marked as Costed.  This prevents the same item from being carried to an invoice more than once, thus skewing your profits.  The last box is the Accepted box, which you may uncheck if a customer declines a particular item.  This makes it easy to see what items were suggested but declined.  Items that are not accepted will not affect the quote or related transactions.

Continue adding items until you have everything you want to propose accounted for.  You may review the Totals and Costs at the bottom-right of the screen.  

When you're satisfied that the quote is complete, you may click the Save button on the toolbar.  Choosing the Print or Email options on the toolbar will also save the quote.  If you would like to apply a prepayment at this time, this can be done by going to Activities → Prepayment.


← Creating the Quote

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