How to setup email paging to work with Microsoft Exchange server


If a network is hosting their own Exchange Server, it is possible to setup ESC to use Exchange for email paging purposes within the program. The instructions provided should assist users in setting this up in their ESC if they wish to use Microsoft Exchange Server to handle email processing through ESC.

Before You Begin:

Exchange should be fully functional and have a local static IP address. Generally a network that is hosting Exchange is usually on a domain and not a workgroup. The instructions provided are for domain networks only. Please consult with your local network IT person for assistance with workgroups.


Within ESC, go to Company → System Setup → Email tab. Within this screen enter:

SMTP Server Address - This can be the server name but more likely it is the static IP address of the Exchange server computer.

Login User/Password - Enter in an Active Directory user that has an unchanging password (non-user account). This eliminates the problem of having to update the password continually.

Port - Enter port 25 as the default SMTP port to use. Be sure that this port is not being blocked in any way.

Use SSL - This should not be used and remain unchecked.

Use STARTTLS - This should not be used and remain unchecked.

Fill out the information within the Addresses sub-tab, as well as in the Tech Emails tab.

NOTE 1: If the Exchange server and ESC reside on the same network you can also setup Exchange to allow the IP address of the ESC server to relay through Exchange.

NOTE 2: Newer versions of Exchange may use port 587 and may also be using SSL encryption. Consult your network technician or IT person who setup Exchange to get the settings that will work for your system.

Additional Information:

In order for ESC to be able to send emails through Exchange a relay must be setup first. This is beyond the scope of ESC support but this article may help.

If there are issues in getting ESC to work with Microsoft Exchange Server, we would recommend enlisting the help of a qualified network technician as troubleshooting this would be beyond the scope of what ESC Technical Support can assist with.

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