When attempting to save a dispatch using the Tech logon to the Front Office the following error appears:
There was an error updating dispatches. Error:An error occurred while writing the Dispatch: Cast from string "06-16-2006" to type 'Date' is not valid.
Cause of Error:
The Regional Settings on the computer running the ESC Connections Server are not set to US standards.
To fix this issue the computer running the ESC Connections Server must use US standard date and time formats.
Attn Windows 7 users:
After changing the regional settings in Windows 7, make sure you go to the Administrative tab and click on copy settings. Make sure everything shows English US and that you select both check options to copy settings on the bottom of the screen and click OK.
Set correct format in Vista:
1.Logon to Windows using an account that has Administrator priviledges on that computer.
2.Click Start | Control Panel.
3.Click Regional and Language Options.
4.Change the Current format to English (United Kingdom) and click Apply.
5.Change the Current format to English (United States) and click Apply.
6.Click on the Administrative tab and select Copy to reserved accounts.... Click OK when finished.
7.Reboot the computer.
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