How Do I Record Prepayments?


Note: The following feature discussion is not available if you are using QuickBooks or Sage 50 as your accounting package.

Accepting a prepayment is a great way to accept a customer's deposit without having to create an invoice first.  

  1. Head to Receivables → Enter Prepayment.
  2. Select the customer you want to record the payment for.  You can either begin typing their last name, or click the down arrow in the field to open the Customer Search screen.
  3. The current date will automatically be populated, but this can be changed if necessary.
  4. Now select your Payment Method from the drop-down menu.  If you need to add an additional method to your list, click the Payment Method hyperlink to add one.

    If you select a credit card as the Payment Method, additional fields will appear where you may record the card information.  The card will not be charged unless you have Cayan integration and choose to swipe the card through their merchant portal.

  5. A unique Invoice Number will automatically be created for the prepayment. Leave the invoice number alone unless you want to assign it a unique number of your own. This invoice number is solely for identification purposes and cannot be left blank. It will not match the invoice number that is eventually created for the work.
  6. Select a Department for the prepayment (generally, the department which the eventual invoice will be created in) and enter a Job if desired. Neither field is required.
  7. If you have chosen Check as your Payment Method, enter the number in the Check # field.
  8. Finally, enter the Amount being paid by the customer.
  9. Click Save when you're finished to record the payment.  If you are integrated with Cayan and wish to charge the card through their portal, you'll click Save and Charge instead.
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