Could not connect to database: Method '~' of object '~' failed


Description of Error:

After installation of a 3rd party software program, you may get the following error when trying to open their ESC database:

Could not connect to database: Method '~' of object '~' failed

Additionally, if you attempt to create a new database, when you go through the installation wizard and after clicking Finish, instead of creating the database you might get a simple error message:

Error opening database.

The error is also noted to occur when trying to open the ESC Accounting Server.

Cause of Error:

This error is can be caused by either of these situations:

  • The computer may have a corrupted MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) installation. Many computer programs including ESC require MDAC in order to run properly and some programs may install their own version of MDAC which can cause this problem.
  • On Microsoft Vista computers, the installation of a third party program such as printer control software can overwrite shared Windows .dll files that can adversely affect the functioning of the ESC software.


To fix the problem, Uninstall/Reinstall MDAC component on every computer that is getting that error. The installation file is available for download from the website.

As the Vista operating system does not use MDAC or its components, you will need to re-register the problem .dll file in Windows. To do this:

  1. Be sure to log into Vista as the administrator or a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Close all programs on the computer.
  3. Click on the Windows logo icon on the bottom (formally the Start button) and in the bottom run box type in the following command and then press Enter on the keyboard:
    regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll"
  4. If the file registers properly you will get a message box to that effect. Click OK on the message and you should now be able to use ESC without the error.

Additional Information:

This problem may also occur when trying to run the ESC Accounting Server after installing third party software. In this case, simply close all programs, log into QuickBooks as the Admin user and then relaunch the QuickBooks Server to allow it to properly connect to the database.

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