How to modify an existing template for invoices, quotes or agreements


To modify an existing Invoice, Quote or Agreement template, follow these steps:

Modify an Agreement Template

  1. Create a new agreement for a customer. Base the agreement on the template you want to modify.
  2. Change the details of the agreement as desired.
  3. Click the Memorize button to save the template. When prompted for a name, simply click the name of the existing agreement you wish to modify.
  4. Click Save to update the agreement. Click OK when prompted to overwrite the existing template.
  5. Click Clear if you don't want to save the agreement you used to modify the template or Save if you do.

Modify an Invoice or Quote Template

  1. Create a new invoice or quote for a customer. Go to Activities → Load Template and select the template you want to modify.
  2. Change the details of the invoice or quote as desired.
  3. Go to Activities → Memorize Template to save the template. When prompted for a name, simply click the name of the existing template you wish to modify.
  4. Click Save to update the invoice or quote template. Click OK when prompted to overwrite the existing template.
  5. Click Clear if you don't want to save the invoice or quote you used to modify the template or Save if you do.
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